
Fridays - Promoting your company promise!

Advertising Services


Fridays is a young ambitious company which specialises in marketing, communications and social media. By using these elements it is determined to promote your company's promise. That is our promise! The way we usually create B2C campaigns are through all kinds marketing coups, event productions, fairs and events on top of social media and SEO plans. Campaigns are implemented using the combination of these elements in a best possible way for our customer. And which promotes your company promise! Business to business side can include everything from company's sales meetings and christmas parties to fairs and customer events. When working with us we want to present ourselves as inspiring, humble and grateful people. We communicate with sincerity and respect so that we can build meaningful and long-lasting relationships. In the field we trust our workers to be their own James Bond and make reasonable decisions always taking our clients and other people involved into consideration. On top of hard work we might play few practical jokes on each other in the office to keep the atmosphere lively. With each of our clients we analyse campaign's success critically with a 360 perspective. Projects must have specific goals which both parties commit to and that are measurable. That is the only way we can measure our success and moreover your brands success claiming your company promise. When we meet we always look forward to having a longterm relationships because short ones are so last year. Lets find out how you can help us to help you. Please contact! I'm looking forward to our interesting conversations and maybe even afternoon coffee time. Mika Tikkala // +358 408483887 //