
Fondation pour la biodiversité fromagère



The foundation was created in July 2019, after the French government forbade raw milk products in schools for children under 5 years old. Its objective is to undertake projects in the public interest to ensure the continued existence of terroir-based, raw milk cheeses as an expression of French culture that supports both biodiversity and human health. Raw milk cheese is facing any challenges: Raw milk increasingly poor in microbial biodiversity => less character Fewer farms, fewer cheesemakers, fewer vocations => less variety Overstatement of health risks => less confidence in the products All leading to a progressive diminution of the selection and diversity of raw milk products, and a risk of marginalization which will further sap its very existence. There are multiple assets to preserve: A culinary heritage that is aloned with societal aspirations and which meets the challenges of sustainable development Organoleptic quality Authenticity (expression of terroir) Economic value attributed to rural landscapes Preservation of biodiversity Positive risk-benefit assessment