
FENG.J Haute Joaillerie

Luxury Goods & Jewelry
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FENG.J Haute Joaillerie 丰吉巴黎高级珠宝 是华人珠宝设计师FENG.J丰吉在巴黎创立的高级艺术珠宝品牌,于巴黎、上海设有工作室和预约制展厅,並在巴黎拥有品牌的高级珠宝工坊。秉持完美标准创作的FENG.J Haute Joaillerie,让贵客与藏家傾心购买收藏,其中不乏好莱坞明星与政商名媛。 FENG.J于2015年10月在保利(香港)珠宝拍卖专场以独立设计师最高价拍出作品“翠魂”。品牌也多次被包括VOUGUE、芭莎珠宝BAZAAR JEWELRY、国际珠宝、FRENCH JEWELRY POST等权威媒体专访报道。 FENG.J Haute Joaillerie is a high jewelry brand founded by FENG. J in Paris, has studios and by appointment only showrooms in Paris and Shanghai, and an atelier at Place Vendome in Paris to produce her exquisite one-of-a-kind creations. FENG. J’s masterpieces are collected by lots of celebrities and reputable jewelry collectors in a world - wide range. Her artistic jewelry piece has made the China jewelry designer’s highest sales record in POLY (Hong Kong) Auction House in 2015.