
Fairtrade Finland – Reilu kauppa ry

International Trade and Development


Fairtrade is a grassroots movement and an independent certification working with farmers in Global South. The purpose of Fairtrade Finland is to make it easy for consumers to choose ethically and reliably monitored products, and to communicate information about the system of Fairtrade certification. The Fairtrade Finland association also oversees the use of the Fairtrade emblem in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The association itself is not a trading partner. Fairtrade Finland strives to grow within Finland the direct benefits of increased Fairtrade channels for developing countries, as the association’s primary function is to support smallholder farmers and the employees of large farms in developing countries. Fairtrade Finland is part of the international Fairtrade network comprising producer organisations in the south, Fairtrade organisations all over the world, and the umbrella organisation Fairtrade International.