
Excel Medical Clinical Trials, A Flourish Research Site

Research Services


Excel Medical Clinical Trials, LLC is a multi-physician research site dedicated to the finest conduct of medical clinical trials. We established our company because of our passion to fill a much needed void in clinical research. Rather than following the status quo of silos of isolated physicians and even non-physicians in clinical research, we sought to bring clinicians together under the aegis of a single entity, one solely devoted to research. Excel Medical Clinical Trials capitalizes on the extensive research experience of its founder and core clinical team, along with the vast patient base of its constituent physicians. We are a clinician owned and operated research site. Excel Medical Clinical Trials, LLC distinguishes itself in this and many other ways. Our doctors have not only the research experience, but also the clinical expertise required to safely conduct top-quality scientific research. Our principal priority is always patient safety, a tenet held by all excellent physicians. The consortium of clinicians comprising Excel Medical Clinical Trials possesses a passion for medical and scientific excellence as well as a desire to advance the field of Medicine through its research efforts. Our non-physician team is equally exceptional. With years of experience in research at the finest academic institutions, they emphasize and deliver care and precision in the conduct of all our clinical trials. We are a unique company and we are proud to represent Boca Raton as its premier research site. Welcome.