
Erasmus Student Network Hungary | ESN Hungary

Education Administration Programs


Erasmus Student Network Hungary (ESN Hungary) exists to represent and support Erasmus+ and other Mobility program exchange students in Higher Education Institutions around Hungary. ESN Hungary was established in 1999 when our first section ESN Pécs was founded. During the last years, we have had several structural changes in our network regarding the National Board, sections and legal background but one thing remained: our dedicated attitude towards our job, volunteering and the Erasmus Student Network. Currently, we have 14 sections: 8 in the capital, the beautiful city of Budapest and 6 in the countryside. Since the establishment of ESN Hungary our whole network worked together to not only help out the exchange students but to increase the number of outgoing local students, to promote mobility and to raise awareness towards outsiders. ESN Hungary meets 3 times a year at National meetings (National Assembly's) hosted by a member section's. ESN Hungary's most important National Meeting (besides the National Assemblies) is the Skills Academy and National Gala. ESN Hungary is legally represented by the foundation called "Magyarországi Nemzetközi Hallgatókért Egyesület"