
Engineering & Manufacturing Network

Industrial Machinery Manufacturing


EMN continue to support our engineering and manufacturing members in their plans for sustainability and growth. The North East has an incredible heritage of innovative and inspirational businesses and EMN work with many of these on a wide range of initiatives. This includes organisations of all sizes from micro to plc, all of whom require a varied range of support dependant on the nature of the company and its planned direction. We include our members in a diverse range of events from smaller roundtables on very specific themes right through to our EMCON flagship event which sees around 1000 visitors and over 100 exhibitors arrive on the day. This is all in addition to the day to day proactive and reactive support we give to our members which again can be very diverse. EMN has surrounded itself with some of the regions very best support organisations to deliver our businesses with the help they need to reach their potential. This includes legal, financial, training, sales, HR and much, much more. We also support our businesses by representing the sector in a variety of ways from working with education to drive apprenticeships and training through to working with the media to influence the business community and region, promoting sustainability. This sits alongside our daily interaction with support businesses from whom we seek innovation initiatives to engage our members in new activities or ways in which to support them with their journey. In all of this we act as the eyes and ears of our members. From humble beginnings to where we are now as the fastest growing sector wide network, has been an incredible journey and our success is entirely down to the support and interaction we have received from our members and the wider business community. Join our community network to be a part of something great, and help continue in our objective of driving the sector ever forward to success.