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According to Eurostat, 30% of employment in the European Union is concentrated in micro companies –less of 10 workers-, a figure that in countries such as Sweden is 22,4% and in Spain goes to 41%. The problem of this kind of SMEs or small entrepreneurs is their sustainability and therefore, employability. According to the same stats, the survival of this kind of small businesses in the first five years does not reach an average of 50%, with figures which go from 48% in France to 54% in Italy, 58% in the United Kingdom or 61% in Spain. (In Sweden 76% survive the first 3 years). These data are reinforced internationally, with recent studies of Bloomberg, which sets that 80% of entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. On the other hand, the survival of companies with at least 10 workers are considerably higher, with 20 points plus in Spain, 19 in Germany, 6 in France, 3 in UK and 1,2 in Italy. Here, in the internal side of the entrepreneur is where coaching and Emotional Intelligence can work. It does not have to do with financial information, knowledge about the business, tax consulting, etc. but with the management of those other skills such as burnout, lack of motivation, lack of goals or incentives, problems to make decisions, self-esteem… To achieve this, the Entrepreneurship for Everyone (EFE) project pursues the following objectives with coaches, entrepreneurs, leaders and managers as final users: To build a strong network partnership of 7 participating organizations across 6 European countries (Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden) and with an outreach to all European countries to foster the knowledge and development of strategies in EFE. To develop the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations as one of the key policy objectives for the EU. To establish a training program that accompanies final users in the implementation of acquired training skills and training plans.