
Escola de Economia e Gestão - Universidade do Minho

Higher Education


EEG, the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho, is among the top universities in Portugal in the areas of Economics, Management and Political Science. Based on a close relationship with the business world, it offers Bachelor and Master degrees fully adjusted to the needs of the job market, combining solid theoretical foundations with a strong practical orientation. It offers also PhD programmes in its scientific areas, relying on exceptional research conditions, including access to databases and software, as well as on a faculty body trained in some of the best European and North-American universities, such as Oxford, Manchester, Warwick, Lancaster, Essex, Cornell, Estocolmo, London School of Economics, Tinbergen Institute and the European University Institute (Florence). EEG stands out for its excellence in research, hosting the best national centre in Political Science (CICP - FCT assessment: Excellent) and the third best in Economics and Management (NIPE - FCT assessment: Very Good).