
Direct Sellers Association of Canada

Government Relations Services


Since 1954, the Direct Sellers Association of Canada has established and upheld rigorous standards, ethics and good business practices, as the recognized voice of our industry. We are a family of competitors using our combined strength to ensure fairness in regulations and gain credibility and respect with Canadians. As an industry that connects 1.3m Canadians to entrepreneurial opportunity and enrichment, we provide assurance of member company integrity and a foundation of trust for independent sales contractors (ISCs) and consumers. For a direct selling company looking to expand, Canada offers the ideal market: a stable economy, positive consumer acceptance of the channel, an entrenched direct selling market and a strong, well-established DSA. The DSA is devoted to preserving the integrity of the direct selling industry in Canada – whether working on behalf of member firms to address issues of importance, providing member companies and their ISCs with support educating the public on the benefits of direct selling, or ensuring consumer protection by enforcing the high standards set out in our Codes of Ethics and Business Practices.