
German Allergy and Asthma Association

Health and Human Services


The German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) was founded in 1897 as the Hay Fever Association on Helgoland. Today it presents itself as the largest patient and consumer protection organization for children and adults with allergies, asthma, atopic dermatitis, urticaria and food intolerances. Many thousands of people are committed to the DAAB. In addition to members and families as well as professionally interested people, they include clinics, networks, institutions, support groups and consumer associations. Employees from different disciplines, including oecotrophology, biology and chemistry, as well as trainers for atopic dermatitis and anaphylaxis, support those in need of advice. Every year, the DAAB responds to more than 40.000 requests from the public. This feedback clearly shows where the biggest issues are but also what can help or can not help. The German Allergy and Asthma Association is involved in many research projects and studies in Germany and also throughout the EU. The DAAB is, for example, the German consumer voice in the Codex Allimentarius, in which the future labeling of foods is decided worldwide. The DAAB advises ministries and the European Food Standard Agency on allergies. On the Internet, in addition to the key topics on the various clinical profiles (allergies, respiratory and skin diseases etc.), the DAAB also offers websites on allergies in the backyard (, an address database for those who are searching for qualified experts (, e-learning programs on asthma and atopic dermatitis, and an allergy learning area for children (Alleleland).