
Design Factory Global Network

Education Administration Programs
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The Design Factory Global Network (DFGN) is made up of innovation hubs in different universities and research institutions, spanning from North America to Oceania. Common values and practices enable us to collaborate across time zones and cultures, despite differences in governance and setup. Design factories are experimentation platforms, and it is through experimentation our network moves forward towards its overarching goal: to create change in the world of education and learning. We facilitate and conduct workshops, events, and courses revolving around concepts like design thinking, experimentation planning, and pedagogical development. No two session are the same, each one is tailored for its participants and their needs and goals. There’s a famous painting by Laurentius de Voltolina titled Liber ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia. It’s from the 1350’s, and we like to use it as an example of how the framework of education has been the same for at least 700 years; it shows a man standing on a podium in front of a group of students. At least one of them has fallen asleep, another one is reading a book, others look bored out of their minds. Save the clothing, this painting could have been done in any educational institution today. The world is constantly changing, and education should change with it. Traditional ways of teaching theory should be complemented by hands-on training across disciplines and schools. Classrooms should be swapped for workshops and laboratories. Learnings should become tangible. That’s how we enable our students to meet the future head-on.