
Department of Anthropology, The University of Alabama

Higher Education


We offer undergraduate training in archaeology, and biological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology through our BA and minor in Anthropology, along with undergraduate concentrations in Health Professions and Archaeology of the Americas. Both inside and outside of the traditional classroom, we focus on experiential learning, and thorough preparation for career paths both within and outside of the academy. Our graduate program includes an MA that can be pursued in any subfield, as well as PhD programs focusing on Biocultural Medical Anthropology and the Archaeology of Complex Societies. At the graduate level, we pursue specialized training appropriate to student research interests within the context of our strong commitment to holistic training that crosses subfield and disciplinary boundaries. Additionally, in collaboration with the University of Alabama Museums, we offer a graduate certificate in Museum Studies, and with the Department of Health Science, we offer dual-degree MA/MPH and MPH/PhD programs. Major research specialties include biocultural medical anthropology, human biology, psychological anthropology, applied anthropology, identities and inequalities, education outreach and community engagement, decolonization, archaeological science, archaeology of the Americas, museum anthropology, and cultural resource management. Our alumni network stretches across a wide spectrum of employment sectors, domestic and international, public and private, from public health to marketing; Human Resources to higher education; medicine to museum curation; logistics to international business; cultural resource management to disaster relief; law to forensics (and much more). We Are #BamaAnthro!