
Deacom, an ECI Software Solution

Software Development


Deacom, an ECI Software Solution, is a comprehensive ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) platform with a rich set of capabilities and extensibility designed for growing process manufacturing and distribution businesses. All functionality specific to these industries are developed in-house and written into the core platform. This includes a warehouse management system, formulation, inventory management, CRM, point-of-sale, direct-store-delivery, lot traceability, forecasting, and ecommerce. Transforming complex business processes into a simpler solution is at the heart of the Deacom software development philosophy. This concept drives the mission to provide ONE System, ONE User Experience, ONE Predictable Price, ONE Team, and ONE Solution for your industry. • ONE System – Native capabilities like CRM, QC, WMS, DSD, Ecommerce, and many more, are all part of the base ERP solution meeting your complex requirements. • ONE User Experience – Intuitive and consistent working experience across all departments, platforms, and devices. • ONE Predictable Price – Pricing transparency and no surprise fees for the software, process engineering, enhancements, and training during the implementation. • ONE Team – A single partner for everything you need - software, implementation, training, service, and support. • ONE Solution – The Deacom ERP platform is developed specifically to meet the unique and often complex needs of batch and process manufacturers.