
Cross Video Days

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The Cross Video Days (8th Edition 2-4 October 2017), is the leading European Financing Market for digital content All over the world new talents are pushing the boundaries of game and filmmaking and even imagine new forms of hybridization. They are embracing digital technologies and platforms to create new exciting narrative universes enriched by interactive elements or immersive experiences. Supported by Creative Europe since 2013, Video Days are a unique marketplace where innovative tech-enabled content and studios can be pitched, scouted and financed. Because we want to make innovative universes happened, we host every years hundreds of pre-arranged 1-on-1 business meetings between pre-qualified content producers and a wide range of financiers. Among them, some of the most emblematic international broadcasters, distribution platforms, online publishers, MCNs, public funding bodies or VCs. This year Cross Video Days will feature: A VR INVESTMENT BOOSTER 12 early stage EU companies in games and cinematic VR content will pitch their investment opportunity to a panel of 15 high level international equity investors and VR experts. A CONTENT MARKET includes 1-on-1 Meetings between 60 digital Projects in development selected by Cross Video Days and Decision Makers among the most emblematic Broadcasters, Online Publishers, MCNs, distribution platforms, & VCs of the Digital industry. A CO-PRDUCTION FORUM 30 Digital projects with a Coproduction potential will be presented by Film Commission and pitched in front of potential Co-producers. Looking forward to meeting for the Cross Video Days 2017!