
CREMES Research Mentorship Program

Research Services


For several years that CSK Research Solutions have been supporting implementation of research activities in Tanzania, we have had an opportunity to work with many talented and highly committed young people as research assistants (mostly as data collectors). Many of whom reported having worked as data collectors for many years (some up to 10 years) with very few having had an opportunity to receive further training in other research skills, despite their passion to advance their careers in research. Having noted this burning desire among our part-time research assistants, CSK Research Solutions initiated, in Nov 2020, CREMES Research Mentorship program. Through the program, mentees are not only offered with technical research skills but also the key soft skills for a successful career, including work ethics & professionalism, communication & interpersonal skills, time management & priority setting etc. Further, mentees are continuously mentored through research activities that they undertake, and their performance closely monitored. The program started in Tanzania in 2020, and in 2023 was expanded to 5 other African countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. Since inception of the program, CSK has observed significant improvement in commitment towards high quality research deliverables among its part-time research assistants (who are all part of the mentorship program). To date, the program has trained more than 150 young researchers in various research skills, including administration of quantitative surveys using a tablet, conducting high-quality qualitative interviews, transcription and coding of qualitative data materials, analysis of qualitative and quantitative data as well as writing of study reports. All our research activities under CREMES International are supported by our mentees, many of whom are also supporting research activities under various other entities.