
Chhavi | Freelance Writer and Blogger at Content Writer Guru

Writing and Editing
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I help businesses (especially IT/Tech related) to gain industry authority through blogging What is the first thing you do before hiring someone? Search them on Google? Bing? Yahoo? Something! Even companies do background research on their potential employees. Do you get my point? More than a "want", it is a "need" to have an online presence. A good digital footprint. Not muddy ones. By that I mean, you need to constantly reach out to people through creative content (like blogging, articles, guides, courses etc) to survive. Whether you are a small fish or a big one, you need kickass content to 1. Gain Industry authority so your readers come back for more. 2. Increase leads (by increasing conversions) 3. Increase revenue But, how does content help? Search engines like Google, love new content (especially long form). Which is why - busineeses like yours with a blog are ranked higher Ever heard - if you want to hide a dead body, put it on page 2 of Google? Yes, that's how tough the compeition is. Blogging helps you 1. Have a flock of your own loyal customers 2. Builds trust amongst your potential clients 3. Promotes your business (on automation) 4. Boost SEO and rank higher on search engine results As a freelance blogger and writer, I will help you achieve these results while you sit back and concentrate on your business needs. Besides blogging, I also help clients with 1. E-books 2. E-courses 3. Article writing (including "how-to" style guides) 4. Technical writing