
Contact FM 89.7

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Contact FM 89.7


CONTACT FM In a country of over 11 million inhabitants, majority of which live in rural areas under precarious conditions, radio is the most direct and effective medium through which Rwanda’s population can be reached. Though communication by means of radio waves has been a longstanding tradition in our country, CFM took it to the next level by developing the positive potential this tool has in educating a country that wants to rebuild itself and redefine itself as a leading African nation in the 21st century. In doing so, CFM has successfully become the voice of the voiceless, bringing to the fore the hopes and aspirations as well as the worries of the average Rwandans while contributing to finding a solution by bridging the gap between them and the various country and community leaders whom we regularly have as guests in our weekly debates to discuss on those issues. It is this contribution that has many of our listeners referring to CFM as “Radiyo Yacu” (literally “our radio) as if it were an integral part of their everyday lives, accompanying them and providing energy and intellectual stimulation as well as being a source of relaxation and escape. Where we stand For the past years since going on air in December 2004, Contact FM has been defined by its constant pursuit of excellence and its show of leadership in private Radio broadcasting in Rwanda ...