
The National Congress of Italian-Canadians (Quebec Region)

Non-profit Organizations


The National Congress of Italian-Canadians, Quebec Region is a non-profit, apolitical organization founded in 1972 which unifies the numerous Italian Associations and groups of Québec. The dynamism of the Congress has established it as the official representative of the Italian community of Québec. In effect, our Québec chapter forms part of the National Congress which encompasses the many regional and district congresses across the country. ✓ Promote and safeguard the interest and the reputation of the Italian community in Québec. ✓ Inspire a strong cooperation amongst the various associations with a view to coordinate, encourage, and promote social, cultural, professional and recreational initiatives. ✓ Take positive action against discrimination aimed at the Italian community. ✓ Involvement in establishing educational programs aimed at the promotion and development of the teaching of Italian. ✓ Promotion of Italian literary, cultural, sport and professional works. ✓ Participate in and encourage the study and research of economic and social problems regarding Italian-Canadians. ✓ Maintain a close liaison with other Italian communities in Canada and abroad. ✓ Favor relations with other ethnic groups ✓ Promote and disseminate information related to Italian traditions, customs etc.