
Cleaning Association of South Africa

Facilities Services


The Cleaning Association of South Africa (CASA) is a non-profit organisation, which serves as a unifying and regulatory body for employers in the cleaning industry, as well as companies associated with the industry such as chemical and equipment suppliers, facilities management, and in-house cleaning departments in the public- and private sectors. CASA aims to be the official custodian of the South African cleaning industry, engaging with government, corporate South Africa, and labour organisations. Our mission is to become a stronger voice in the business community with regard to legislation and regulation on behalf of the industry at government and corporate levels. CASA promotes the interest of our members by: - Providing a platform for debate on matters affecting members; - Communicating the industry’s priorities to policy makers, by way of submissions to any proposed legislation and regulation in which the interests of the members and the industry will be affected; - Advising members on matters affecting the relationship between themselves and their employees; - Affiliating and forming alliances with national and international cleaning associations and participating fully in its activities and programmes; - Co-operating and building more co-operative relationships with trade unions representing employees in the cleaning industry; - Working with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to deal with matters which affect members or the industry; - Sharing the latest innovation information. Our guiding principles are based on The Decent Work Policy, The National Development Plan 2030 and CASA Clean Connect, where CASA commits to assist South Africa to find meaningful solutions to the unemployment problem.