
China Galaxy International Financial Holdings Limited

Financial Services


China Galaxy International Financial Holdings Limited is the wholly-owned subsidiary of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd.. It was incorporated in Hong Kong on February 9, 2011 to expand its overseas business. China Galaxy International Financial Holdings Limited (through its subsidiaries) aims to become an investment bank offering a comprehensive suite of services including brokerage and sales, investment banking, investment research, asset management and financing. Since its establishment in 2011, China Galaxy International Financial Holdings Limited has, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, obtained the requisite business licenses to provide a wide range of financial and securities services in Hong Kong, including the Type 1 license for dealing in securities, Type 2 license for dealing in futures contracts, Type 4 license for advising on securities, Type 6 license for advising on corporate finance, a Type 9 license for asset management, and the license for acting as a qualified money lender. 中国银河国际金融控股有限公司(透过旗下属子公司)致力成为一家全方位的投资银行,提供经纪和销售、投资银行、投资研究、资产管理及融资等服务。自2011年成立以来,中国银河国际金融控股透过全资子公司先后获取在香港提供多元化金融证券服务所需的各类业务牌照,包括证券交易的1号牌照、期货合约交易的2号牌照、就证券提供意见的4号牌照、就机构融资提供意见的6号牌照、资产管理的9号牌照以及授予放贷人资格的放债人牌照。