
Ilia Chavchavadze Center for European Studies and Civic Education

Think Tanks


The Chavchavadze Center is the first civil society organization in Georgia modeled after European political foundations. Founded by former senior diplomats and leading international lawyers, the Center has an ambitious, long-term vision of transforming Georgia through education, spreading critical thinking and cultivating a sense of individual responsibility. Named after Ilia Chavchavadze, a lasting symbol of Georgia’s national revival, the Center aims to promote active citizenship and civic engagement, within the overall framework of democracy promotion. It is also focused on creating a more transparent and accountable political system. The Center is dedicated to promoting Western values, supporting political pluralism, protecting mainstream political agenda and fostering a more informed, rational decision-making and political discourse both by citizens as well as Georgia’s political class. Identifying Russian propaganda and hybrid warfare is among the Center’s priorities. While working with various groups of the Georgian population, the Center’s primary focus is on the youth and Georgians who are currently less exposed to the Western values.