
The Centre for Governance and Politial Studies (Cent-GPS) is a Kuala Lumpur based behavioral and social science research firm. Our overriding goal is to use the best science available to bring the most effective ideas and approaches in enhancing everyday life. For us, making the world a better place is not wishful thinking. It is the goal that drives us. Cent-GPS focuses on the central institutions and processes of decision-making, inherent in contemporary democracies. Therefore, four major domains are central in the research-strategy of the Section: elections, political parties and social organisations, parliaments and governments. In the study and publications both structural and cultural determinants of the functioning of democracies and its patterns of decision-making are taken into consideration, as well as recent dynamic developments along with the analysis of their historic roots. Through education, Cent-GPS strives to provide its clients with knowledge, attitudes and skills in order to enable them to contribute to society as responsible citizens and researchers. Cent-GPS was set up on the belief that there is an urgent need for an interdisciplinary research center, bridging the fields of economics, political science, sociology, business and law, which focuses on the problems and challeng- es raised by the current political developments and economic transformations.