
Center for Emerging & Innovative Sciences

Research Services


We believe that one of the best ways to promote economic development in New York State is to bring together companies and university researchers who have areas of common interest -- and encourage them to collaborate. The Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences does that in two ways. Funding: As one of 15 Centers for Advanced Technology funded by NYSTAR, a division of the New York State Department of Economic Development, we provide matching state funds to magnify the impact of corporate-sponsored research in existing labs at our partner universities. Outreach: We sponsor the Annual University Technology Showcase, the Industrial Seminar Series at the U of R and RIT, workshops and panel sessions, and market research and analysis. Over the past 5 years, CEIS funding has been leveraged to generate over $400 million in economic impact and the creation of 120 new jobs. By bringing together multiple universities, companies, government agencies, and economic development organizations in a collaborative environment we provide leadership in the identification and realization of technology-driven economic development in the Finger Lakes region. Our primary technology focus is on optics, photonics, and imaging in support of the regional cluster of companies in those industries. We also support projects in the biomedical, energy, and electronics areas in response to the ongoing diversification of the Finger Lakes regional area economy. We work primarily with faculty and scientists at the University of Rochester and the Rochester Institute of Technology although we do support some research at other universities in New York. And we work closely with small, mid-sized, and large companies in the Finger Lakes region and across the state. Interested? Contact us at: Center for Emerging & Innovative Sciences CPU Box 270194 Rochester, NY 14627-0194