
NEOSTART - Center for crime prevention and after incarceration care

Civic and Social Organizations


Our mission is to use all available and practical information and resources to bring about a decrease in criminal activity for both first time and repeat offenders, in the interest of forming a safer and more tolerant society which is respectful and supportive of all its members. NEOSTARTs` objective is to initiate, implement, and support responsible changes in the society in which it works by: - integrating people who have been placed in institutions for the execution of criminal sanctions; - integrating children and young people who have been in institutions of social protection; - improving the position of persons who have been incarcerated; - integrating people who have been included in formal or informal types of addiction treatments ; - eliminating the consequences of incarceration due to other measures that require the legal deprivation of liberty; TRANSCENDING THE PAST ENGAGING IN THE PRESENT GRANTING THE FUTURE