
CCIC Germany GmbH

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CCIC Germany GmbH


China Certification & Inspection (Group) Co., Ltd (CCIC Group) is a world-famous and also the largest inspection and certification institution in China with accreditation from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ) and Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA). CCIC Germany GmbH (CCIC Bremen was renamed as CCIC Germany since 2018.) is the first third-party inspection and certification institution in Europe. The main business includes inspection, authentication, certification and testing. In addition, CCIC Germany also provides other services such as government services and education development. 中国检验认证集团 (英文名称:China Certification & Inspection Group, 英文缩写 CCIC) 是由中国国务院批准成立,中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(AQSIQ)授权、中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会( CNCA )认可的中国最大、国际知名的检验认证机构。 中国检验认证集团德国有限公司,英文缩写:CCIC Germany GmbH,(原中检集团不莱梅有限公司,自2018年起更名为中检集团德国有限公司),是CCIC在欧洲设立的第一家以检验、鉴定、认证和测试为主营业务的独立第三方检验认证机构。除此之外,中检集团德国有限公司还提供政府服务以及教育培训等综合性服务。