
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch

Religious Institutions


The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch is a missionary, charitable organisation of which the primary objective is to provide administration services for the Catholic community and to aid and support the pastoral mission. Our three diocesan priorities: Growing in Holiness If you and I are to reach our God given potential, then we are called to become holy. Our Church communities will be looking at what we need to do to help people to grow in holiness. If I don’t fall in love with Jesus Christ and desire to become holy, then I won’t have the conviction to tell anyone else about it either. Our parishes, schools, and organisations need to be focused on helping us grow in holiness. Strengthening our Catholic Community Coming together as people of faith is an essential part of being a follower of Christ. The Church is made up of many communities who meet together to praise God, receive his grace and strength, especially through the Sacraments, and care for one another. We need strong faith communities if we are to survive and have a place to bring people who are searching. This is the second focus of our renewal. Proclaiming the Good News This is the call to evangelisation. We have generally been rather timid in this area I suspect. The call of Jesus is to spread his message to all peoples. This is part of our baptismal calling. We need to look at how we do this and how we can help people become more confident in this mission. Our Church is missionary and this is what it means, so we need to get on with it. We are not a therapeutic group just caring for one another.