
Bump Bestie

Individual and Family Services
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Preparing for the birth of a child and the first few months after delivery are the most beautiful and transformative times of a person’s life. But it’s also a challenging time – full of questions and concerns with the added stress of feeling equipped and organized to welcome a child into your home. Realizing that “one-size-doesn’t-fit-all,” Bump Bestie was started to help expecting families through one of life’s toughest and most exciting journeys: becoming a parent – by providing comprehensive support to make the transition into parenthood less confusing and time consuming. With a focus on non-toxic and eco-friendly products, Bump Bestie works to guide and empower families through the unfamiliar by providing personalized product recommendations and tips for creating a safe nursery and home environment. From building your perfect registry, to outfitting your nursery with non-toxic furniture and products to referring you to our trusted concierge of pre and postnatal services, Bump Bestie empowers families to make informed decisions while preparing their home and lives for baby. Bump Bestie supports any path to parenthood including people seeking to become parents via adoption or surrogacy; lesbian, gay and transgener parents; first time, second time (and more!) parents and single moms and dads.