
British Lion eggs and egg products

Food and Beverage Manufacturing


The British Lion is the UK’s most successful food safety scheme. Over 90% of UK eggs are now produced under the British Lion scheme and more than 150 billion British Lion eggs have been sold since its launch in 1998. The British Lion scheme has been responsible for a drastic reduction to the presence of salmonella in UK eggs and in 2017 Food Standards Agency confirmed that they are approved to be consumed runny, or even raw, by vulnerable groups. All eggs that carry the British Lion mark have been produced under the stringent requirements of the British Lion Code of Practice which ensures the highest standards of food safety. The code covers the entire production chain and ensures strict food safety controls including the guarantee that all hens are vaccinated against Salmonella and a ‘passport’ system ensuring that all hens, eggs and feed are fully traceable. The scheme is independently audited to ISO17065. British Lion egg products: Across the world, food manufacturers want safe and reliable ingredients. Eggs can be difficult; standards vary dramatically; and there is very little legislation to give food manufacturers, caterers and retailers the reassurance they need. That’s why the UK operates the only recognised, comprehensive processing standard for eggs anywhere in the world. The Lion Code of Practice for the Production of Lion Egg Products sets standards that work across all systems of production, protecting eggs from the moment they are laid, through processing and to the time they are delivered to food manufacturers and foodservice operators. There is no equivalent Code of Practice anywhere in the world. The use of British Lion egg products within food products and the use of the logo on packaging is an easy way to reassure consumers, guarantee responsible British sourcing and highlight the quality of the finished food product.