
British Insurance Law Association

Legal Services


BILA is a unique organisation, its membership being drawn from Insurers, Insurance Brokers and other intermediaries, Academic Lawyers, Solicitors and Barristers. In addition to UK members, there are many from all over the world. BILA is not only a domestic organisation, it is also the British Chapter of Association International de Droit des Assurances (AIDA) and is an active participant in its quadrennial world congress. BILA holds regular talks and Conferences on insurance law topics, often with speakers from overseas. It produces technical papers on a wide range of subjects for various bodies, including Government and Law Reform Commissions. BILA also publishes a regular journal, which contains articles of interest to insurance practitioners. As the organiser of the London Colloquia which are held every two to three years, BILA has not only been host to insurers and insurance lawyers from all over the world, but has been responsible for initiating many changes to the world of insurance.