
Books For Bedtime

Philanthropic Fundraising Services
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This nonprofit was started by Meagan when she was 11 years old. Meagan is an active member of Mensa and began reading at age 2. As she got older, she realized that books were such an integral part of her life and that she wanted to help every child have a book to read for bed, hence Books For Bedtime was founded! Her goal is to get books to children who do not have the financial means to have a lot of books. Meagan collects books for children from birth to age 17! She is distributing books mainly around Central Ohio, but would love to donate books elsewhere as needed! She is hoping to expand as her nonprofit grows! She has already given away over 70,000 books in just 4 years to kids in need through partnerships with homeless shelters, food pantries, new immigrant organizations, as well as teachers for expanding their classroom libraries! She is eager to find connections to other agencies with whom she can partner, in order to distribute books!