
Biostasia - Projects and services of engineering, Lda



Biostasia - Projects and services of engineering, Lda started its activity in 2004, creating, developing and executing projects in environmental requalification and green outdoors through all Iberic penisule. It's a specialized in the Hydrosseding technic and that was one of the first business areas. Hughlight to the first project, the construction of a Rugby field for the professional team of Arcos de Valdevez, followed by other projects such as environmental requalification, quarries recovery, reforestation of burned areas, ski tracks, golf fields, amongst others. Hydrosseding was the core and the bases for other innovative ideas that contributed to the company. In 2008, Biostasia decided to expand its opportunities and includes in its business fields the draining floors, today tardemarks as BIOAWAY and BIODECOR. In 2010, Biostasia arises with a new and promising business area, that today is a independet department due to its sustainability - Biological Control. This department begans with the control of the palm weevil, with some international seminars about the theme. Today Biostasia is known by its specialization and technical expertise in this area. In 2013 it take its first steps in pest control and plant nutrition with some biological products that can be applied to agriculture and urban spaces in general. For the short and medium term, Biostasia bet in the Research, Development and Inovation, in order to withstand the creation of new products/services in the biological area.