
Bilkent University Young Entrepreneurs Society

Higher Education


Young Entrepreneurs Society was founded in the University of Bilkent . Bilkent University is one of top universities in Turkey situated in Ankara. It’s level of education is the first in Turkey and 112th in the world according to Times Higher Education survey . Our student club is the first club on specifically focusing on entrepreneur in Bilkent University. It’s aim is to educate young entrepreneurs who will create new inventions and strategies in diverse business fields and our first goal is to fund and courage (if need to) these young brains in order to help them. We give our entrepreneur friends the professional support and financial backup for the ideas that they have. Because one of the reasons this club was founded was to eliminate the wide average of youth unemployment by giving the opportunities to the ideas that deserve it. We are working hard for this because we think that the passion to create something is too valuable to waste.