

Civic and Social Organizations


The Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice (re)opened their doors in Princeton, both literally & figuratively, to create that safe-space our community so needs & deserves & now works tirelessly to build toward the Beloved Community as they organized Princeton NJ’s first-ever Pride Parade with over 3,000 in the streets, held the nation's largest Virtual Pride events during the pandemic which gathered together well over 20,000, & recently an even more successful Pride Parade & After-Party with even more folx marchin’ in solidarity & celebration; offers free therapy & counseling for our LGBTQIA youth; advocacy for students & professionals; a pivotal birth justice program with training for doulas; an in-house learning library with over 1,000 donated books; a dedicated queer history archive; diversity trainings for businesses, organizations, & the greater community; & will now continue in their new home to even more robustly move forward in their mission for the advancement of political, environmental, gender, identity, feminist, queer, & all racial & social justice issues in the organization of rallies, gatherings, events, & happenings, both of-the-moment in response to current events & in dedicated planned programming. On the virtual front during the first two years of the pandemic, The Center's Chief Activist Robt Martin Seda-Schreiber hosted the SOCIAL JUSTICE POWER HOUR which broadcast live every single weeknite, over 600 shows gathering together thousands of viewers as well as hosting an impressive mix of inspirational local folx & more diverse & nationally-known figures. Join us as angelic troublemakers~ RUSTINCENTER.ORG