
Kingsman Energy Services Private limited

Oil and Gas


1. Well Services :- Well Head maintenance and Lube & Bleed services , Echo meter for Fluid level 2. Logistic Services :- Rig Movement with Manpower supply , trailer ,truck ,Hydra ,Fork lift, Crane, 3. Civil Services: - Celler Pit Constriction, Waste Pit Constriction, Pressure testing bay Construction, conductor casing installation. 4. Fabrication Services:-Cutting, Welding, structure manufacturing, Pipe line Set from Well to Header and many services in fabrication.(As per Design) 5. Rental Services: - Tower Light ,DG Set , Passenger Vehicle ( Bus ,Car, traveler), 20 KL Water tanker ,250 BBLs Storage tank ,Air Compressors ,Flame proof light ,flame proof electrical motor (Zone -1 & Zone -2 Approved). Vacuum Truck for waste pit or Cellar pit cleaning management