
The Azienda Agricola Fratelli Lippolis produces vegetables using techniques inspired by Mollison’s permaculture, Fukuoka‘s natural agrculture, synergistic agriculture and biodynamic agriculture, on a portion of the property of nearly 2 hectares. Using these techniques we forecast the chemical-physical-structural re-equilibration of all the property: on the areas of the property previously used for crops, we have planned the plantation of about 8000 plants of fruit trees, leguminous trees and various kind of shrubs. In opposition to the so-called «traditional» agriculture, this kind of agriculture can be compared to the development of an «intensive forestry-agricultural ecosystem», it does not use heavy machinery and/or chemical fertilizers (allowed in small amounts, in the organic food production in Italy). Furthermore, the productive mix of fruit trees and soil «beneficial» trees ensures a process of «re-equilibration» and continuous enrichment of the soil which enables an improvement of the quality and the quantity of the harvest in time (instead of a progressive impoverishment, typical of traditional agriculture), beside the possibility of producing a high variety of vegetables and fruit thanks to the extremely high biodiversity planned within the system.