
Australian Schools Rugby Union

Spectator Sports
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The ASRU is an independent incorporated association run by volunteer members of the teaching profession and supporters who believe rugby has a unique ethos and benefits that contribute to the broader education of young people. ASRU is an affiliate of Rugby Australia. The Committee comprises of delegates appointed by each state Schools Union – two from each state/territory, with three from NSW. Delegates then elect an Executive. The Australian Schools’ Rugby Union first convened as a committee in 1972 and the first Australian Schools Championships was conducted in 1975 in Melbourne. The first Australian Schoolboys team predated the establishment of the ASRU Committee and Championships. That team toured South Africa in 1969 at the personal invitation of Danny Craven playing seven provincial games but no test matches. Greg Cornelsen, Russell Fairfax and Steve Finnane were all members of that team. Since then some 170 Schoolboys have gone to play for the Wallabies, countless more representing their State, with many more playing professionally across the world. The first tour of the UK by an Australian Schools team occurred in 1973, playing fifteen matches only losing to England at Twickenham in their final match. The UK tour has been a feature of Australian Schools Rugby occurring every four years since then. ASRU is an affiliate of Rugby Australia. Rugby Australia provides advice on player selections and appointment of coaches and management. The Australian Schools Rugby Foundation is a separate incorporated body whose aim is to support the aims of the Schools Rugby Union. The Foundation comprises of business men, past Australian Schoolboys and Wallabies who look to use their business networks to provide additional financial support to the ASRU. The current Foundation Chair is David Mortimer.