
AUR - Architecture Urbanism Research

Architecture and Planning


AUR / Architecture Urbanism Research is an international architecture practice founded by Aurgho Jyoti. AUR operates out of New York and New Delhi and is currently led by Aurgho Jyoti and Subhradip Roy. AUR’s projects span different typologies, scale, and geographies, including cultural, social, residential, and institutional work, in the US, China, India, and Nepal. AUR addresses the notion of ‘time’ in architecture by preserving the collective memory of a society to reinforce historical and cultural continuity, by capturing atmospheric phenomena to induce a sense of time, and by accommodating material change as a tactile evidence of time. AUR’s work engages in critical mediation between architecture, culture, and time, creating interventions that provide ‘spatial specificity’ and ‘temporal continuity.’ AUR’s work has a distinct interest in materiality and light, expressed through the interaction of fundamental natural and architectural elements. The work addresses traditional domains of site, context, and program, through the dichotomies of the global-local and the urban-rural condition. The work is grounded by an anthropological interest in the sensorial and how people use and move through space, and in turn, be consciously and subconsciously influenced.