
Auckland Women Lawyers' Association

Law Practice


The Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association is a representative organisation of women involved in the legal profession including solicitors, barristers, judges, corporate counsel, law students and community representatives. AWLA works to address legal issues affecting our members and New Zealand women and children. AWLA also provides a forum for women lawyers in Auckland to make and strengthen contacts. AWLA engages in various activities including regular social functions, submissions to Parliament on issues such as paid parental leave, domestic violence and relationship property. AWLA receives support from ADLSi, NZLS, the New Zealand Bar Association, the New Zealand Association of Women Judges and many Auckland law firms. AWLA’s membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December so a new membership subscription becomes due each year. Every year AWLA hosts a number of events aimed at upskilling, uniting and inspiring women lawyers and others who share AWLA’s interests. Past events have included workshops, educational seminars, fundraising events, lectures and dinners. AWLA advocates for women. In the past AWLA has written submissions on law reform and briefed counsel to act as amicus curiae in proceedings having significance for women. AWLA operates a mentoring scheme which connects more experienced lawyers with those looking for guidance and career support in the same or similar area of practice. AWLA has sponsored a number of scholarships for women law students and practitioners. Since 2000 the primary scholarship offered by AWLA is the annual Margaret Wilson scholarship which is awarded at our AGM. We also offer a writing prize. AWLA is an incorporated society governed by the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and by our Constitution which is available at – society number 241905. AWLA is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2006 – reference number 43284.