
AT x AT Culture & Creative Group

Media Production


AT x AT 团队专注于时尚与艺术的跨界创作,并提供影像制作、活动策划等创意推广服务。 AT x AT focus on creative collaboration of fashion and art by providing creative solution for visual production and event production. AT x STUDIO 位于百联集团时尚中心- 衍庆里(南苏州路955号),一栋建于1929年的英式老仓库。一共大中小3个商业影棚,为时尚行业的电商、广告、专题类内容提供平面与视频制作服务。 AT x STUDIO is located at Bailian Group Fashion Centre - YQL (No. 955 S. Suzhou Road), a heritage British architecture built in 1929. We have 3 studios providing visual production for e-commerce and advertising of fashion industry. AT x CREATIVE 签约多位视觉艺术家,从摄影师、导演到到当代艺术家,为时尚行业提供从时尚广告的平面与视频、装置、到时装发布会的艺术跨界创意制作。 AT x CREATIVE manages numbers of visual artists from photographer, director to contemporary artists by providing creative solution from photography, video, installation to fashion presentation and events for fashion industry. AT XPERIENCE是AT x AT 的一个沉浸式艺术跨界项目,旨在将当代艺术、时尚、戏剧、音乐、影像等形式通过沉浸式活动的手法来展现和融合,探讨契合当代人精神追求的全新艺术表现形式,同时也为艺术家们寻求相同价值观及创作灵感的跨界合作伙伴,将其创作理念得到更完整和丰富地表达。总部位于衍庆里,提供1,000多平方的活动空间,长期举办艺术展览、时装发布会及时尚艺术类活动。 AT XPERIENCE is an immersive art collaboration project of AT x AT, the mission is to collaborate between different art forms and artists, in order to present their idea in an immersive way through events. Located in YQL, frequently organize art exhibitions, fashion presentation and events in a space of 1000 sqm.