
Association for Skills Development in South Africa

Human Resources Services


We are a professional body in the skills development landscape. We believe that every individual deserves quality education, training and development regardless of their sector. We believe that this will positively influence the economic growth of South Africa. The ASDSA achieves this by establishing a national standard, and by providing professionals with designations that verify their competence against this standard. The skills development professional was borne out of the skills development legislation introduced in 2000. A lack of credibility, unity and support resulted in the establishment of the ASDSA - to provide professionalism, support and a collective voice for skills development practitioners. The ASDSA is a non profit section 21 organisation which has branches in Gauteng, the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, with satellite structures in Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape and Free State. The Association for Skills Development South Africa (ASDSA) seeks to establish and maintain the credibility of the skills development practitioners profession, regardless of industrial sector, through: Representation on business and labour forums Development of a qualifications framework Representation of members' skills-related interests Supporting, assisting and providing knowledge and information that is required by members in order to fulfil their corporate socio-economic and community responsibilities, and Upholding a code of conduct