
Assiut Oil Refining (ASORC) is one of the national companies located in Upper Egypt, subsidiary of Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) and it had been established in 1987. ASORC provides a major share of neighboring provinces’ demand for petroleum products by refining 91,000 barrels of crude oil per day to meet the region’s needs for petroleum products such Gasoline, Kerosene, Gasoil, Fuel Oil and LPG . Currently, ASORC is carrying out several major projects that aim to upgrade its refining capabilities, which will result in the addition of a new Naphtha complex (including a Naphtha Hydrotreater Unit (NHT), a CCR Reforming unit and an Isomerization Unit) with a capacity of 660 KTPY of straight run Naphtha that will provide high octane and different grades of gasoline. The Company’s vision was stimulating development and providing an exemplary experience in oil refining.