



The mission of the Cluster of the Galician Naval Sector (ACLUNAGA), created by initiative of the Ministry of Innovation and Industry of the Galician Government, is to improve the competitiveness and to promote the development of the group of companies that integrate the Galician naval sector, establishing anagreement among the protagonists on: The challenges they face The objectives and strategies to overcome said challenges The high-priority actions to be accomplished by the companies and the Cluster itself, with the essential support and involvement of the rest of the agents that influence the sector (Administration, University, Unions,Sectorial Associations, etc) At the present time 110companies participate in the Cluster. Their products and services cover all the segments of the value chain of the naval construction (from shipyards and engineering companies to classification and certification societies, from capital goods and supplying companies, to equipment companies, installers or metal companies). This way the first goal of ACLUNAGA, consistent in becoming the institution that more faithfully refiects and represents the Galician naval sector has been accomplished.