

Higher Education
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Since 2018, the Leksi team has been working on an app to make studying easier for students all over Slovenia. The app, which combines the entire study process in one easy-to-use tool, quickly became very popular - both among students and universities. Developing high-quality digital services for students and universities is a mission that the Leksi team shares with yet another company: Studo. The Graz-based company has been supporting students and universities in Austria and Germany since 2016. Through this shared mission, the Leksi and Studo teams got to know each other in 2019 - and they realised that they could achieve much more together. For this reason, Studo and Leksi decided to join forces in order to be able to support Slovenian students and universities with Studo in the future. Since April 2022, they have therefore been on their journey together - learn more about it at Ekipa Leksi že od leta 2018 pripravlja aplikacijo, ki bo študentom po vsej Sloveniji olajšala študij. Aplikacija, ki združuje celoten študijski proces v enem enostavnem orodju, je hitro postala zelo priljubljena - tako med študenti kot na univerzah. Razvoj visokokakovostnih digitalnih storitev za študente in univerze je poslanstvo, ki si ga ekipa Leksi deli še z enim podjetjem: Studo. To podjetje s sedežem v Gradcu od leta 2016 podpira študente in univerze v Avstriji in Nemčiji. Zaradi tega skupnega poslanstva sta se ekipi Leksi in Studo v letu 2019 spoznali in ugotovili, da lahko skupaj dosežeta veliko več. Zato sta se Studo in Leksi odločila združiti moči, da bi lahko v prihodnje s Studom podpirala slovenske študente in univerze. Od aprila 2022 sta torej na skupni poti - več o tem izvesta na spletni strani