
Apartment Association, California Southern Cities

Real Estate


The purpose of the Apartment Association, California Southern Cities is to promote, protect and enhance the rental housing industry and to preserve private property rights. The Apartment Association's trained staff is one of the greatest benefits of your membership. When you have a question or a problem, call us. We cannot guarantee that we can solve all your problems, but we have good general information to share with you. Staff members are well trained in the landlord / tenant relationship, and they work hard to keep their knowledge up-to-date as laws and procedures change. You can ask us questions about serving notices, how to proceed with an eviction, how to complete rental forms, how to read your hard copy of the credit check, who to call when the roof leaks, what to do when you suspect a drug problem in your building, and just about any other rental situation you can think of. If your problem seems complicated or is of a legal nature, we will be happy to refer you to an attorney who specializes in that area and is a member of our legal panel. If referred by the Association, our legal panel attorneys will answer your inquiries at no cost. Of course, if you need an eviction or legal work done, you must engage the attorney for a fee. Getting in touch with us in the early stages of your landlord/tenant problems can often lead to a quick solution, or possibly prevent a disaster from occurring.