
Amphibian Aerospace Industries Pty Ltd

Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing


Amphibian Aerospace Industries, Pty Ltd (AAI) is an Australian company. The company was established as the manufacturing and product development arm of the Australian owned Amphibian Aircraft group of companies. The vision for AAI is to be a world leader in the development and production of amphibian aerospace capabilities. Amphibian aircraft fill a special niche in an increasingly populous world. Whether it is connecting communities on islands, rivers or lakes to major transport hubs, delivering people or important supplies to shipping, responding to emergencies at sea, or delivering aid following natural disasters where other infrastructure has been damaged, they provide useful capacity and speed at unmatched affordability. AAI is the holder of U.S. Federal Aviation Administration "Type Certificate" for the HU-16 and G-111 Albatross amphibious aircraft. As the Type Certificate holder for the Albatross family of aircraft, we are committed to providing ongoing product support and development in parallel with development of our twin turboprop variants which will soon be available to the market.