
AIT Global Water & Sanitation Center

Air, Water, and Waste Program Management


Global Water & Sanitation Center (GWSC) is newly established center of excellence at AIT with the funding support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. GWSC will serve as a center of excellence to support, accelerate and advance Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene agenda in Asia and beyond towards the successful achievement of SDG 6 outcomes. The center of excellence houses Technical Assistance Hub (TA Hub) amongst other significant sub-centers including but not limited to climate adaptation, innovation and technologies advancement. TA Hub will assist governments, development banks & other development partners in mainstreaming City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) approach in their planning, designing, scaling, and implementation of projects/ programmes to advance sustainable sanitation systems and ecosystems. As part of its agenda, TA Hub will also endeavor to support the development and scaling up of Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS) in the region. IMIS will promote the evidence (spatial and non-spatial) based sustainable sanitation systems and ecosystem development through its network of tools for decision-making, planning, management, and monitoring and evaluation.