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Afruibana is a pan-African association of African fruit producers and exporters. It was born from the regrouping of several associations of fruit producers and exporters from Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon and Ghana. If the majority of Afruibana's members are today banana producers, Afruibana is an open platform that aims to bring together the interests of the fruit sector in Africa. The association represents and wishes to bring the voice of African fruit producers within European and international institutions in the context of the negotiation of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. Afruibana has a permanent representation in Paris and focuses its action on the relations between African producers and exporters and the European Union. Afruibana is made up of the different national federations of the main African banana producing countries : - The Organization of Producers-Exporters of Bananas, Pineapples, Mangoes and Other Export Fruits of Côte d'Ivoire (OBAM-CI) - The Banana Association of Cameroon (Assobacam) - Banana producer association (BPA) in Ghana - The Central Organization of Pineapple, Banana and Other Fruit Exporters of Côte d'Ivoire (OCAB) These different national associations have the role of establishing the professional rules governing the relations of the members between themselves and with the association, to inform the companies on the general evolutions of the fruit sector, to ensure as a professional union the representation of its members before national and foreign public authorities as well as to promote among its members standards of social and environmental responsibility in line with international standards. The African banana industry provides 30,000 direct jobs, generating more than 50,000 indirect jobs and supporting more than 500,000 people. In its three countries of representation, the members of the association exploit nearly 17,000 hectares and produce approximately 612,000 tons.