
The African American Policy Forum

Think Tanks


Founded in 1996 as a media-monitoring think tank and information clearinghouse, the African American Policy Forum works to bridge the gap between scholarly research and public discourse related to inequality, discrimination and injustice. The AAPF seeks to build bridges between academic, activist and policy-making sectors in order to advance a more inclusive and robust public discourse on the challenge of achieving equity within and across diverse communities. Developed as part of an ongoing effort to promote women’s rights and gender rights in the context of struggles for racial justice, the AAPF strives to promote the interests of all communities who suffer from intersecting forms of discrimination (e.g., class-based, race-based, and gender-based), and unrecognized patterns of institutional discrimination. By bringing to the forefront perspectives on equity and equality that have been marginalized or distorted within the traditional parameters of public discourse, AAPF seeks to introduce counter-narratives to the "conventional wisdom" that dominates our mainstream media. The Policy Forum is dedicated to advancing and expanding racial justice, gender equality, and the indivisibility of all human rights, both in the U.S. and internationally.