
act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte

Law Practice


act legal Germany - act AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwaelte is a leading business law boutique law firm supporting national and international clients in all business related legal matters. A large proportion of our work is international. Clients prefer us to major law firms because we have an excellent reputable track record, we are independent and, not least of all, we provide excellent service much more reasonably. With our alliance act legal ( we are represented in 9 countries within continental Europe with around 300 commercial and corporate lawyers, tax advisors and business experts. With LAWorld© we have one of the strongest international lawyer networks available to us. Business understands us and we understand business. Our work can always be fully integrated into the everyday workplace, not least of all because all of us have inside knowledge of business and we also number amongst our ranks many commercially trained attorneys. Won't work, doesn't work, and certainly not with us. If you want people who see the bigger picture, if you set great store by speed of action, smart ideas and tactical flair, you have come to the right firm. Our unusual solutions in non-standard situations tick all the right boxes.